Have you ever found yourself fighting rest like a toddler fights nap time? Everything in you is screaming “I’m tired!” but for whatever reason your little toddler mind can rationalize, you just have to keep going. That's how I spent half the day yesterday. My body and mind were fatigued and I barely had the energy to…
I have some really awesome friends and enjoy our little random deep conversations. One of them recently with a dear friend of mine touched on the upcoming…
But this week I just hadn’t gotten that word yet. I sat at my computer, Google doc open, ready to type. Even started typing some of what I was thinking it might be but I kept erasing it because I knew it wasn’t it. Then, I can’t even remember why now but, I “randomly”…
You know how you can read the same scripture at different times in your life and get something different every time? That just happened to me when I ran across Jeremiah 17 this morning. Back in 2011 I was gearing up to…
I was binge-listening to Season 3 of the Serial Podcast while driving to and from my hometown this past week. It chronicles the stories of several individuals going through the Cleveland justice system in an effort to provide a snapshot into what our justice system looks like as a whole in our nation -- spoiler alert: it doesn’t look good. Corruption, deep-seated racism, you name it. Not sure why I decided to listen to something so heavy on my way to kick it with my family 🤷🏾♀️, but I’m glad I did because…
The other day I was getting into the shower trying to figure out why I hadn’t booked my much-needed nail appointment yet. Looking at the state of my nails I clearly needed a major fill-in and I was also just feeling like I could use some self-care. Why hadn’t I booked yet? When I realized it was because…
3 years ago when I was praying about what business to pursue next, God led me to take inventory of my talents and asked me what I’m the best at. When I did it, I couldn’t shake the fact that I’ve always been a teacher, gifted to break down information and spiritual truths in relatable ways. My issue though was what does me being able to teach the Bible have to do with...
Found myself complaining to bae the other day about how I felt like I got nothing done all day. He then proceeded to ask me about my day and I shared all the stuff that happened -- how I only got part of my business work done for the day because I had to deal with a plumbing issue in the house, etc. After hearing all of it he was like…
Been working on finishing a book I started reading like 8 years ago (The Blessing of the Lord by Kenneth Copeland if you’re curious), and came across a note I wrote down in the margin of the book back in 2011. It said…
This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending and sponsoring the Build Your Own Brand Retreat, which was nothing short of amazing. A few days before it kicked off, I got a surprise invitation to…