I get my validation from God, not people.
“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”
- 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 (New International Version)
Sometimes these devotionals can get super transparent but I have to share my truth with you. In the past several weeks I had a series of good devotionals that really seemed to be ministering to people -- I was getting replies back from my tribe left and right about how they were on time or they were sharing them on social media. Then last week my inbox was like crickets after sending out the newsletter. Zero social media mentions. No one forwarded it to a friend.
And there I went feeling like a total failure inside. Cue tiny violins 🙄.
Like I seriously questioned whether or not I was washed up now that I’d quit my job. Kind of like how they say once comedians get rich and famous they’re not funny anymore. I was like did quitting my job steal my mojo?! 🤭 (first of all, your “mojo” is from God anyway so whatever) But so much of my content up to this point has been born from a place of side hustling and leaning on God while I pursue the full-time dream. But now that I’m here, finally living the dream I’ve been pursuing for so long, will I still have anything to say?
So clearly we know all these thoughts are lies from the pit right? But seriously, have you ever felt like a failure? Like you totally bombed something or hit a wall in an area you’ve been successful in previously?
I had all these fears and thoughts going on in the back of my mind for the past week but in my worship time this morning God encouraged me that, just like I had that one worship song on repeat 1000x and wasn’t listening to the other songs on the album, not everything I do is going to strike a chord every time. And that’s ok. I still need to create. I still need to write. I still need to produce the work God is giving me to produce.
Never let a lack of validation from people discourage you from believing in yourself.
If you’re a creative in any capacity, I know you can relate to the struggle of not having your work acknowledged or it not resonating immediately. But our scripture this week reminds us of the spiritual circle of life we’re all a part of. Something you put out into the world today could just be the seed for someone else to water 3 weeks from now. And then God might bring the increase on it next week or He might do it 50 years from now. Who knows. You still have to put it out there though.
Even if what you’re producing isn’t “faith-based”, I believe this principle still works in terms of whatever you create. Maybe your last blog post didn’t go viral but God can still make that happen eventually! Your job is to continue to plant, continue to water, continue to be consistent in the work God has for you to do. Determine to be consistent this week no matter who writes a testimonial about your work, shares it, or not; and trust that, at the appointed time, God is going to bring forth the impact that you’re believing Him for.
Still hungry? Eat some more //
Philippians 3:3-9, Matthew 4:26-25