A couple weeks before I took my final leap into full-time entrepreneurship, I found myself thinking hard about how I’m going to need to develop a solid routine for myself with all the new free time I’ll have. I know better than to think…
As I was reading in 1 Samuel this morning and learning about how King Saul stayed wildin’ out, I started to notice a trend: He kept messing up because he was…
This week’s scripture struck a chord in me. Primarily the part where God says: “Honor me by trusting in me in your day of trouble”. He didn’t just say honor me by…
It’s hard to believe but Big Idea Food is going to be one year old in a few weeks. As I reflect on the amazing year it’s been, I’m reminded of how I felt after all the work had been put in and I had finally put it out there into the world. As far as I know, this is the closest feeling to…
The other night I was climbing into bed and caught myself thinking that I need to buckle down and get ready to be poor for a spell while I get used to not getting a paycheck every…
If you read last week’s email, and are struggling with whether or not now is the right time for you to take your leap, today’s email is for you. Even if you're not…
Guess what I did today? Today I turned in my notice to my 9-5. I’m officially leaving. No emoji confetti or dancing salsa ladies. Just me putting on my big girl panties and…
Have you been feeling like throwing in the towel lately? I had a tough day at the 9-5 yesterday and came home feeling disgruntled and still had work to get done on my business. I remember going to put my key into the door and thinking…
I don’t know about you but lately I have been REALLY feeling the pull to leave my 9-5. I’m just so over being tired and feeling overwhelmed at everything I have to do and the little time I have to do it since my job takes up so much space in my life. I was sharing this with a friend recently and she…
I know it can be exhausting trying to figure out which direction to go all the time, and which step to take next. Just wanted you to know I appreciate you for investing your time and energy into doing this work for Me. It’s going to get easier because…
When I got out of school and came back home to live with my mom, I was so much less busy than I am now. I had all the freedom to just kick it when I wanted to, dream up new ideas, watch tv, etc. I didn’t have a job yet and was…