5 months ago I said yes to God and left my 9-5 — without the proverbial safety net — and while I’ve had some amazingly fulfilling days, many days it’s just been plain HARD. Especially these past few weeks when some of my…
Found myself watching an interview of evangelist Marilyn Hickey the other day where she was sharing on how she found success in the early days of her ministry. When explaining how she was able to win more souls for her new church than they had won the previous few years and how she rapidly grew her married couple Bible study, I love what she said…
Been getting all these messages about comparison the last few days and avoiding them like the plague because I wanted to talk about comparison today and didn’t want to get caught up comparing my message with someone else’s 😂. Isn’t that deep!? But it’s so necessary when…
Been revisiting old Dr. Myles Munroe sermons lately and in one of them he was discussing the importance of management to God. In a nutshell, he stated how God is…
Five minutes before a masterclass I hosted the other day, I was still working on some of the backend parts of the presentation. Once again, it was crunch time and here I was working up until the last. second. Even in the midst of this frantic state of mind, I was completely coherent about one thing…
The more I live this full-time entrepreneur life, the more I realize I how much I need God. Like NEED need. Up to this point I think I’ve been surviving off of the high of my dream and my morning time with Him but lately it hasn’t been enough. I think I’m starting to experience…
On his How I Built This episode, multi-billionaire James Dyson (creator of the Dyson vacuum brand) shared about the hard times he went through in the early stages of developing his business. When Guy Raz asked him what kept him from throwing in the towel, he said although there were several times he felt like quitting, he had learned the formula for…
I recently looked in to purchasing a 1:1 session with my favorite coach to help me fine-tune my new signature offer and I had to pause for the cause after reading through the requirements for working with her. Why? Because in those requirements she says that to become a client, you have to…
Holy Spirit has been ministering to me on the word “subdue” lately. It first caught my attention a few weeks ago when I was listening to an old Dr. Myles Munroe sermonwhere he was preaching about discovering your gifts that will bring you success. In reference to Genesis 1:28, he said the word “subdue” means…
I finally nailed down my dream coaching program offer recently (I talk about the journey to it in last week’s email) and now, with less than 5 months left in the year, the reality of the work I still have left to do between now and launching it is starting to sink in. Not just because I wanted to be further along by Q4 of this year, but mainly because…
Has God ever Mr. Miyagi’d you? What I mean by using this Karate Kid reference is, has God ever told you to do something that made absolutely no sense, but then later it made all the sense in the world? He did that to me recently. I had just wrapped up the…