I've been a rededicated Christian for the past 15 years and just when I start to think I'm getting grown in the faith, God reminds me that in reality, I'm still a...
Has God ever shown you a vision so amazing and exciting and perfectly aligned that you can't wait to get started with it? This happened to me a few weeks ago and, as usual, I had the immediate urge to launch it as soon as humanly possible. Thank God for...
See? It's scriptures like these that have you out here thinking pursuing wealth just isn't something God wants us to do. You know that's not exactly what it says, but it stillfeels like it's one more verse that's more against wealth than in favor of it. And thatfeelingis what...
I can distinctly recall an occasion where I was getting my hair done and had grabbed some fast food for myself. I remember wanting to offer to get some food for my beautician too but only had enough in my account for my hair and that quick meal (don't judge me lol). God used that experience to speak to me about...
In the process of cultivating abundant thinking and a wealth mindset over the past year or so, I've finally uncovered what I believe is my biggest mental block related to money...
Ok transparent moment: I have this super janky purse that I've been carrying for far too long. It's old, the fake leather coating is literally flaking off and the gold on the clasp is looking bronzer by the day. I'm laughing even while writing and telling you this. Especially because...
I don't yet have my own children but I am an auntie of two adorable little munchkins who I love more than words can express. I honestly don't know how actual parents can even handle the feelings of love for their children because if mine feel this strongly for my niece and nephew, I can't even imagine how actual parents must feel! As God has drawn me into...
When I first felt God pulling me toward entrepreneurship a little over 10 years ago, I'll never forget how deeply I sensed a desire to do something about the media. You know how they say if ...
I've spent a considerable amount of time these past several weeks trying to rediscover my calling; primarily to make sure that everything I'm planning for 2021 and beyond is in alignment with...
This sermon on the spiritual gift or prophecyis so good and I highly recommend listening to it when you have a chance (s/o tomy franfor putting me on to it). There is so much richness in this word but for some reason, something he said...