I'm in a season of what feels like a total recalibration of my way of doing things. One of my "ways of doing" that I'm leaving in 2020 is doing work outside of the anointing of God. And what I mean by that is...
I'm a few weeks into thiswhole new way of decision-makingthat I shared last week and baybeee?! Let me tell you, the way it has helped me slow ALL the way down?! The weird thing too is that giving God this intentional time of waiting before moving on decisions has actually...
Over the past few months I've mis-allocated a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money. So much so that I had to sit myself down and ask God what was going on and to help me do better. In short, He helped me realize that...
The other day, the Holy Spirit dropped the thought "even God has help" into my spirit. It was shortly after a conversation I had with someone about the necessity of asking for help and how we don't do it very well as people and as entrepreneurs. I marinated on why He chose to...
One of my besties had a major breakthrough recently where she realized that a project she had been "working on" for the past 3 years, a project that she THOUGHT God wanted her to produce this whole time, actually wasn't the thing God wanted her to do in the first place. I also just recently experienced this same situation in my own life where...
There's a new feature I've been wanting to incorporate inside my community for the past few months but, between being busy with other things and just not really knowing how to construct it, it's just been on the back burner of my mind and the bottom of my to do list. That is until the other day when...
Shortly after taking time tooutline my very specific ask to God, I conducted an angel investment round with some close family members and (praise the Lordt!) I received about 60% of the support I need toward my goal. You wanna know the funny thing though?...
I don't know if fear has been trying to grip you over these past few weeks leading up to today's election, but I have felt it trying to creep in HEAVY. As I've been contemplating all the "what ifs" and potential implications of everything that "might" happen based on my decisions and those of others in this season, the anxiety has definitely been real. But, as always, God...
A few months ago, God led me to write down everything I desired in order to run my business over the next year at the level I envision, including the costs. So of course I was like aw shoot, God 'bout to send me some coin yasss lol!! When I sat down to get started though...
I be setting some big goals. If you're in mytribeyou've heard some of the sales & impact goals I'm targeting and they are NOT small. Like at all. That's because, somewhere in the past year...
s I sat down and realized more deeplythe potentialof getting my book into the hands of everyone walking around on the planet right now that needs it, I was overcome with a sense of grief and guilt about how it's taken me two years to figure this out. That's two years of people needing this book and not getting it because of my limited thinking. But as I...
Over the past year since surrendering my plans to God and finally focusing on building the Big Idea Food brand vs other distractions, I've gone through some CHANGES ok!? One of the major ones was realizing...