Recently God gathered my entire life by essentially asking me the same question He asked David in this scripture: But did I ask you to do that though? Just like David had gotten this random desire in his heart to build God a majestic house He never asked for, I had a grand scheme to...
The more I live with this slowed down version of my business, the more I see how far off I truly was. I used to legit get frustrated at God about how full MY plate was. Like it was Him who gave me all the things to do when, in reality...
Hey! This week we're going to do something a little different for the newsletter. Earlier today I shared some really powerful lessons and Holy Spirit nuggets that God has given me over the past several months with my...
For the past few months I've been reading roughly a chapter a day of my friend Melody's book on personal finances and then applying whatever the chapter tells me to do right then and there. About a month or so into it, I...
The other day, money was calling in the form of an interested coaching client and, as excited as I was about receiving a new dope human into my care, communication with them...
This scripture really ministers to me when I think about Jesus' wilderness season (Matthew 4:1-11). Up until He was led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, He was taught God's word while He...
I gotta talk about the temptation of the enemy in the wilderness this week because it is real! I just experienced it first hand. Mine came in the form of...
This is my second time taking the first Monday of the month to go back over the previous month's journals to reflect, pray & listen to God. It took 6 hours yesterday! But the...