How to align your business with God's will.

"By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path."

- Psalm 119:105 (The Message)


When I first felt God pulling me toward entrepreneurship a little over 10 years ago, I'll never forget how deeply I sensed a desire to do something about the media. You know how they say if something bothers you, you're the one who's supposed to do something about it? Well the way that God and Christians are portrayed in media bothers me IMMENSELY. I won't go into all the reasons why right now but I just felt like if we could change how we're portrayed, maybe more non-believers would come to Christ. So, ever since then, I've been building and working toward growing my ability to make a significant impact in the media. I was even super proud about the fact that, about two years ago, I unpacked that mission even further by identifying the goal of my media efforts: for my work to be responsible for bringing at least 1 million souls to Christ in my lifetime. Sounds like a noble goal right? 

I sure thought so until, during the recent recalibration season God took me through, He sat me down like, sis what did EYE actually call you to do? 

I didn't have to search too long or too deep within before realizing, OMG He never actually told me to go after saving 1 million souls 🤭  I just honestly made that number up cuz it seemed like a worthy pursuit. And so there I was, making plans, spending time & resources toward something God didn't expressly call me to do. 

The wrong goal will have you out here doing all the right things in the wrong direction. 

And having the wrong goal doesn't automatically equate it to being a "bad" goal. Obviously in my example, we know souls are the ultimate prize, but, if when it's all said and done it's not explicitly what God requested from you, it's still wrong. 

So you might be asking, what did God request then? That's where I found myself after this realization too. And, you know where He led me? 

Back to His word. 

I'm seeing more and more that we complicate things so much more than they have to be. We be so busy trying to get a fresh word from God when He's truly already said everything we need to know; AND He even did us a solid by writing it all down for us too. If you want to align your business with God's calling for your life, start by studying His word. I guarantee that when you see your calling written there in black & white, it'll settle your heart & focus you like never before. 


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Below I've shared some scriptures that helped me get clearer about my calling. Maybe next week I'll share more about what I discovered about my calling if you'd like to hear it. I believe it's not just mine alone 😊

  • Ephesians 3:8-13→ Paul knew his calling by what he had been graced to do. What have you been graced to do?
  • Ephesians 4:7-13 → Your spiritual gifts are an indicator of what you're called to do & this passage outlines the greater purpose for which Jesus gave us these gifts. 
  • John 17:20-23 → What did Jesus pray for in this passage, who did He pray it for & what does it have to do with the five-fold ministry gifts He gave us outlined in Ephesians 4?

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