Don't let your vision rush you.
"Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him quickly out of the dungeon; and he shaved, changed his clothing, and came to Pharaoh.”
- Genesis 41:14(New King James Version)
Has God ever shown you a vision so amazing and exciting and perfectly aligned that you can't wait to get started with it? This happened to me a few weeks ago and, as usual, I had the immediate urge to launch it as soon as humanly possible. Thank God for my new decision-making process though because, in following it, He helped me to see that there were some things I needed to do to shore up my business systems in order to prepare a firmer foundation for this vision to rest on. You know what all this is teaching me?
Don't let your vision rush you.
Your vision or ideas can be just like the guards that came to bring Joseph to Pharaoh--pushing you to get up and move toward them quickly. Heck, you may even be ready to move quickly on them due to life circumstances or your own impatience. What I marvel at in this verse though is that, while Joseph had every reason to rush into the destiny moment that was presented to him, somehow he still had enough presence of mind to slow down, shave his beard and change his clothes. Like, what? I would've RUN to Pharaoh ok!? Raggedy beard and all! Not to mention he must have had to tell Pharaoh's own guards to wait for him to get himself ready; the audacity!
We gotta be like Joseph: strong enough to tell our exciting visions & ideas "yo, I'm glad you're here, and best believe I'm gonna manifest you, but what I'm not gon' do is let you rush me." Just because God shows you the vision Monday, doesn't mean you have to start walking it out on Tuesday. Use the revelation as an opportunity to pause and talk with Him about what you see and get His direction for your most immediate next step. Be like Joseph and don't let your vision rush you; what's for you is for you and it ain't going anywhere.
Still hungry? Eat some more //
- Proverbs 3:6 → Each reveal of a vision or idea is not always necessarily an automatic green light to proceed. Use it as a chance to go to God and find out what's up and what's next & trust that He will direct your path.
- Matthew 7:24-27→ It may take more time to build a firm foundation but it will last longer when you do.