You get it from yo' Daddy.
“Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance."
- Isaiah 60:1-3 (New Living Translation)
The other day in my worship time with God, I was listening to this beautiful voice singing a beautiful song and it dawned on me: If all our gifts are a reflection of Him, since we're made in His image, then that means God can sing! Think about it! 🤯 Like, He can probably sang ok?! Lol!
I don't know why but just the thought of God being able to sing brings me so much joy I had to share it with you today. Maybe it's similar to that feeling you have when you realize you possess some of the same talents or funny quirks as one of your parents (bae calls me my mama's child all the time! lol!). It's just nice to know where it came from. That there's someone else out there in the world similar to you.
Whether you know your parents or not, you have a Father in heaven who gave you a piece of Him too.
Whatever you can do, God could do it first. Isn't that awesome to think about?! I hope this encourages you to see your gifts and talents—whatever they are—as facets of God Himself’s own abilities. You look just like yo daddy and act like Him too 😊 So keep creating and shining forth His glory in all that you do because He looks good on you!
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- Genesis 1:26-27 → God made us in His image; we're just like Him.
- Zephaniah 3:17 → Just in case you need proof that God can sing 😊
- This is another really good translation of this week's scripture: “Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you! Look carefully! Darkness blankets the earth, and thick gloom covers the nations, but Yahweh arises upon you and the brightness of his glory appears over you! Nations will be attracted to your radiant light and kings to the sunrise-glory of your new day.” - Isaiah 60:1-3 (The Passion Translation) NOTE: The book of Isaiah is no longer available in the TPT as of 12.2.2022