Was talking with one of my clients recently about how she realized she was putting too much pressure on herself to bring her vision to pass—and not enough on God. In her conversation with Him about it, he basically asked...
I've had a few conversations lately with people who are actively struggling with a fear of failure. Whether it's been showing up in their life as imposter syndrome, procrastination or even subconscious self-sabotage, it's significantly affecting their progress toward their goals & dreams. Last night as I laid down for bed, I sensed God speaking to me about...
Have you ever felt like you're playing catch up on your purpose? Like you're finally doing what God has been nudging you to do for years but now, since you spent so many years NOT doing the thing, you feel pressed or like you're behind? One of my clients (shoutout to Dr. Leslie Nwoke, get to know her!) recently asked me about how I avoid those feelings and my immediate response was...
I was scheduled to facilitate a guest training the other day inside my community and woke up that day not feeling my best AT ALL. I just felt tired and was honestly a little concerned that my low energy would dampen the mood of the event. Of course I prayed about it and trusted God to help me through it and...
I heard a preacher say one day that testimonies are like wine to our spirits—they have an intoxicating effect on our faith that helps embolden us to believe God will do whatever He did for them for us too. Well I have a small testimony to share with you today that I hope has that effect on you:…
It can be a real bummer to see someone else pushing out an idea similar to yours. You feel all special and dope because you came up with something you thought no one else was doing, only to find out that wait, actually, someone is. Womp womp. I felt that way recently when coming across some other examples of communities dedicated to Christian entrepreneurs. UNTIL….
This week's scripture has taken on new meaning for me lately. I feel like God has been training me over the past month or so on how to truly "wait" on Him, specifically as it relates to…
Late last year I applied for a really great part-time job opportunity that felt like it was created just for me. The interview process took several months but I kept advancing and somehow, I started to know that….
I've gotta give it up to my girl Tamera Darden for the subject line of this week's newsletter (look her up if you need product photography, she's bomb!) She spoke these words to me moments before…
I am sooo inspired by Issa Rae. From her hit show, Insecure, to now owning her own music label and two super cute coffee shop locations in LA, she's emerging into a legit mogul and I am here for every piece of it. What inspires me the most is….
If you've been fearful about selling your business offerings in the wake of all the unrest our country is facing right now, I want you to encourage you today to…
In the midst of the terror, division & confusion that has ensued since George Floyd's murder, it has never been more evident to me than now that we are in the middle of a spiritual battle and that we, as God's people, need to recognize that. This is not a war against anyone or anything that we can see; the people performing these atrocities against black people are…