The best revenge is your purpose.

"He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing."

- Ephesians 2:10 (The Message)

 If you've been fearful about selling your business offerings in the wake of all the unrest our country is facing right now, I want you to encourage you today to promote more boldly than ever before. You know God called you into entrepreneurship as part of His purpose for your life; that's why you got started in the first place. It was HIS leading; HIS plan. 

Do you think that the exposure of systemic racism in America caught God off guard?! Nope.

He been on game and been fighting this mess (along with many others). And I believe He's strategically called and positioned His entrepreneurial kids in advance for such a time as this. 

That's why it's so paramount that we continue to build what He's placed in us to build--despite the climate we're in.

I'm always preaching about how much bigger our calling in business is than just us. It's not about you. It's about the people God has uniquely called you to serve--both your direct customers and the people whose lives you can impact because of the economic power you've developed through your business. That's why you have to continue to obey God's every command, especially in the area of your business. Even if it makes you uncomfortable. 

What did God tell you to do? Get THAT done no matter what. Trusting that He has a plan; He sees the bigger picture (spiritual side and all) and just needs you to play your part. 


Still Hungry? Eat more //

  • Esther 4:14 → I repeat, none of this has taken God by surprise. You're in this position for a divinely ordained reason. Rise up and accept the call. 

  • Psalm 112 → This psalm is such a beautiful illustration of how we, as God's people, are supposed to operate & the victory we're supposed to experience--especially in times like these. Read this and be encouraged!

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