Let God pour into you.

"He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps."

- Psalm 121:3-4 (New Living Translation)

I was scheduled to facilitate a guest training the other day inside my community and woke up that day not feeling my best AT ALL. I just felt tired and was honestly a little concerned that my low energy would dampen the mood of the event. Of course I prayed about it and trusted God to help me through it and, of course, He delivered. The way our guest poured into not just the attendees but me as well!? I felt more energized and alive after the training than I did going in! 


As I was reflecting on it and thanking God after it was over, I just sensed Him reminding me that even when I'm tired, He's not. Even when I feel low, He's always on 10! As our scripture this week says, our God never slumbers or sleeps. So even if I'm not feeling it, if I just show up? God will meet me there with bells on. He won't let me stumble; He will stabilize me with His unlimited, supernatural power like only He can. 


And can I just touch briefly on how He stabilized me in this situation? He used another one of His children to pour life back into me. Isn't that so beautiful? That's why community with each other, especially with other Christian people, is so important. Just like when we are weak, He is strong, this situation showed me how when we are weak, our brothers & sisters in Christ are strong (and vice versa). 


We are truly better together. Receive others pouring into you every chance you get. You do not have to always be the one pouring out. I also hope that if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this week but still have commitments to fulfill, that you show up in as much excellence you can muster and trust God to do the rest. Because He can and sho' nuff will. 


Still Hungry? Eat more // 

  • 2 Corinthians 12:9 → We can't be reminded enough of this. 

  • If you've been praying for Christian community, join mine.

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