God sees you.
"The angel of the Lord found Hagar beside a spring of water in the wilderness, along the road to Shur. The angel said to her, 'Hagar, Sarai’s servant, where have you come from, and where are you going?'...Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord, who had spoken to her. She said, 'You are the God who sees me.'”
- Genesis 16:7-8a, 13a (New Living Translation)
I heard a preacher say one day that testimonies are like wine to our spirits—they have an intoxicating effect on our faith that helps embolden us to believe God will do whatever He did for them for us too. Well I have a small testimony to share with you today that I hope has that effect on you: this past week I had my highest grossing launch to date (just $1k shy of 5-figures! ) and I did it without posting on social media. But that's not even the testimony part yet. Two of the members of my new program came from referrals—one from a friend and the other from God Himself. , I kid you not, one of them literally called me out of the blue, having no idea about the new program I was offering, saying God had put me on her heart heavy that day and told her she needed to work with me. I can't make this stuff up!
I know the other members were divinely led to me too and it just gave me a sense of divine validation like never before. I felt seen! And it reminded me of the story of Hagar who God went out of His way to let know that He saw her and cared about what she was going through. No matter what is happening in your life or business, God has not forgotten you!
I just wanted to share this with you as a reminder that God is STILL out here doing supernatural things for His people, even in your business. And He STILL sees you. Even when it seems like you haven't heard from Him in a while or you've been waiting for your break; He sees you and your break is coming. His stamp of approval on what you're building is coming. Just keep being obedient to whatever He's set before you to complete, and trust that, even if you can't fully comprehend what He's doing yet, there is a method to His madness and it is all working together in your favor.
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Mark 1:11 → God gave Jesus His stamp of approval before Jesus had even done any miracles. Know that you're already "approved" in Christ no matter what is going on in your business right now.
A friend of mine just launched a course on brand partnerships that I wanted to share with you. Learn more here.