Stop asking God and not waiting for an answer.
"This is God’s Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: ‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’"
- Jeremiah 33:2-3 (The Message)
Over the past few months I've mis-allocated a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money. So much so that I had to sit myself down and ask God what was going on and to help me do better. In short, He helped me realize that I've just been moving too fast these past few months and that, even though I've prayed about everything, I still haven't given Him enough time or room to respond to those prayers. Oy.
In response to that, I've now created a new, more intentional decision-making process that involves the following:
- Ask God for His wisdom on a specific idea or plan you're considering.
- Write down that prayer & the date somewhere (ideally in a prayer journal or somewhere you can track prayers easily on an ongoing basis.)
- Wait a period of time before making any steps (or purchases🥴) related to the idea or plan in full expectation of God to answer. (my personal time period is currently 7 days)
- Come back to your prayer journal on the day your answer is "due" and record what God has spoken to you in that time & whether or not you sense a "green light" in your spirit to proceed.
I share all this in context of our scripture this week because He says in His word "call to me and I WILL answer you." (emphasis mine) God WILL answer you. So pray and wait for His response like you believe it. Stop asking on the run. Slow down and be intentional about giving Him the time He needs to get an answer to you. He'll get it to you boo!
Still hungry? Eat some more //
- This devotional I wrote a few months back will encourage you if you feel like you've been struggling / waiting to hear back from God after praying
- Matthew 7:7 & James 1:5→ We have tew many promises in God's word that He'll answer us. I know life may have taught you to believe otherwise but you can always reshape your beliefs back to the truth of God's word (Romans 12:2).
- Luke 11:5-8, Luke 18:1-8, Matt 18:1-4→ Be persistent. Wait for your answer. Expect it. Don't leave God alone until you get it. Just like a child would.
- Shoutout to Tiphani Montgomery for this beautiful way to connect with God. I tried it and when I tell you the answers that just dropped in my spirit with absolutely no toil!? (that wasn't my plan, it just happened that way) God used this to show me that receiving direction from Him can be SO much easier than we make it!