Don’t crumble under the weight of your plans.
"For I hold you by your right hand—I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.'"
- Isaiah 41:13 (New Living Translation)
Shortly after taking time to outline my very specific ask to God, I conducted an angel investment round with some close family members and (praise the Lordt!) I received about 60% of the support I need toward my goal. You wanna know the funny thing though? Immediately after actually receiving the help that I had asked for, you guessed it, here come the doubts.
Is my strategy really going to work?
Do I really need all this?
What the heck am I doing?!
Sometimes it can be just as overwhelming to actually receive the help you need for your business as it is outlining & asking for it.
As I wrestled with these feelings in the days after I got my first investment installment, I second-guessed my strategy like you wouldn't believe. I even wasted a whole work day in a decision-coma because I was afraid to pull the trigger on tasks that my now 60% funded strategy called for! (sidebar: someone else listened to your plan and believed enough in it and God to put their money towards it. Trust your plan!)
When I was finally able to quiet down and go to God about all that I was feeling, the comfort I got from this week's scripture brought tears to my eyes. Not only did He remind me that this is the plan that He and I built together—that I prayed all thee
through—but also, these verses were like Him reminding me that I'm not alone; He is right here with me ready to help me execute every piece of this strategy that He Himself gave me.
Now is not the time to start doubting yourself. It's time to kick it in gear and make these moves, trusting that God is right by your side with all power to help bring your plan to pass. Don't crumble under the weight of your plans. Instead, run at them with all you've got and watch for God to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you've asked, thought or imagined (Ephesians 3:20-21).
Still hungry? Eat some more //
- James 1:5 & Isaiah 48:17→ If you're in the process of making a plan for your business, be sure to go to God about it. Ask Him for wisdom. Then give Him room to respond and make edits to your plan as He sees fit.
- Isaiah 41:10 (TPT)→ No matter what obstacles arise as you're executing this plan, remember that God is right there infusing you with strength and help for every situation.
- Here's another devotional to help you battle those imposter syndrome thoughts. I went back and read it again and it helped me in this moment too.