Don't despise small seeds.

“Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, 'Why couldn’t we drive it out?' He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'”

- Matthew 17:19-20 (New International Version)


Over the past year since surrendering my plans to God and finally focusing on building the Big Idea Food brand vs other distractions, I've gone through some CHANGES ok!? One of the major ones was realizing that my book alone, a product under $20, could make BIF a million-dollar company. You heard me right. After doing the research to see how many people in the U.S. right now fit my book's target demographic, I realized that, even if after material & advertising costs, I just made $1 in profit per copy, I'd still make multiple millions of dollars if I got it into the hands of everyone in my target. When I tell you my mind was blown!?

And it was blown because, over this past year, I've strategized & developed other products to help make this company profitable. All from a mindset that I lacked a product that had the potential to do so, when this WHOLE ENTIRE TIME I already had it. And, so far, it's my company's highest reviewed, highest esteemed, most press-worthy product. I mean, it's laughable now because once you realize the worth you're sitting on, you wonder how it was humanly possible not to have seen it the whole time. 

And the only reason I didn't see it was because of its low price tag. 

All this brings to mind the power that Jesus spoke about that's inside of mustard-seed sized faith. If a mustard seed worth of faith can move a mountain, a low-ticket product can make you a millionaire. It's the the same principle that God has been revealing to us since the beginning of creation; that a tiny seed can produce massive results. So the next time you start to look down on your lower-priced offering, I encourage you to take a moment to imagine what could be accomplished by it. I bet it's more than you think. Small seeds can do BIG things. Remember that. 


Still hungry? Eat some more //

  • Genesis 1:11-12 → Every forest on the face of the earth came out of a tiny seed. Marinate on that!
  • Genesis 3:15 (KJV) → Our Savior was the "seed" spoken about that would eventually destroy the works of the devil.
  • Zechariah 4:10 → Small is where it's at!
  • I wrote another message about recognizing the value you already have in your hands. Read it if you need more encouragement in this area.


*Affiliate Disclosure: I may be an affiliate for books, products or services that I recommend. If you purchase those items through my links, I may earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. I only recommend books, products and services that I use and/or genuinely believe in.


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