As I've been exploring creating more space in my life to live & enjoy it more, I've been thinking about how short but infinitely impactful Jesus' 1st life was. I mean, He legit completed everything He was supposed to get done in 33 years. And really His ministry was only 3 years long right? So He accomplished His entire purpose in 3 years. Like, where they do that at!? Looking at His example truly has me...
For the past several weeks I've been working on defining my personal brand now that my focus has shifted to building it up. In the process, I've been refining my current offer suite and even entertaining swapping out some of the old offerings for fresh ideas I have. As exciting as pursuing new ideas is though, it hit me the other day that...
For years, I would always answer the question "what would you do if you could do anything in the world you wanted?' with two activities: 1. sing in a traveling gospel choir (soprano of course lol) and 2. just wake up and walk around ministering to people all day. In my head, I glamorized the idea of just being able to do #2 like it was #goals. Now, as it's hitting me that...
Last week I encouraged you to ask God for more and to even make a list of things you want to ask Him for. I wanted to follow up with two additional scriptures I came across that were speaking to me along this same vein. The first was this...
Back in June I read an article in a magazine that really started to challenge my thinking around money & provision. So much so that, after reading it, I was like, ok God if this is true and I should be coming directly to You for my needs instead of "technically" going to money / myself / my business, etc, I need You to prove it to me so that I know that this revelation I've received is true. So, in July I asked Him for...
Two entrepreneur friends of mine were believing God for a financial need to be met recently. One told God the specific amount of money she needed and left the "how" He would get it to her completely up to Him. The other told God exactly how she wanted Him to get her money to her. The first friend got...
I got a lot of DM's about my decision to shut down the Big Idea Food Instagram account temporarily. It seems many of us are navigating the space around owning and managing multiple accounts too and maybe even praying about what to do in your situation. If that's you right now, I wanted to share what I'd tell my 3 years ago self if I could go back in time and chat with her...
Hey Love! I was going to write a devotional about this topic today but, as I'm embracing more rest and ease in my life and business lately, I realized that the Instagram Live I did yesterday about this is actually enough. If you've been experiencing a feeling of anxiety or overwhelm about planning because you're...
Just had an epiphany a few weeks ago about the fact that, while I greatly enjoy and feel fulfilled by my business, I do not have those same feels about my actual life. I know. Le sigh. As I sat with that and asked God to help me create a better life for myself, I sensed Him reminding me of some...
I recently finished binge-watching the tv show Breaking Bad and, even though it's about the life of a drug dealer, it has ministered to me in so many ways! 😂 One way in particular was how...