What do you do when you wake up to an email from one of your colleagues, who’s professional services you are currently using (mind you), announcing that they’re launching a product just. like. yours…
Do you have more than one vision inside you? When you think about your business, do you see a few different avenues that you know you’re supposed to birth out but it seems like they’re…
I just got back from an amazing mastermind weekend in Atlanta where I truly felt like I was living my ENTIRE best life the whole time. Got a mani & pedi 💁🏾, vibed with other creative women, ate good, made new friendships, had girl talk and just werked on my…
As my brand continues to grow and I’ve been in the process of evaluating its next steps, I’ve been thinking hard about the magnitude of responsibility that comes with running a business as a Christian. I really want to make money…
In our scripture this week, Isaac was getting ready to do the same thing his daddy Abraham did when famine came back in his day -- go down into Egypt. It was the “smart” thing to do. Egypt never struggled when…
Last week we talked about just believing God and stepping out on faith. I know it’s easier said than done so this week I wanted to talk about how to believe. It helps when you’ve actually taken the time to…
Full disclosure, I had no idea what I wanted to share today until this morning. I wasn’t feeling the usual oomph in a certain direction like usual and, honestly,…
I used to confess this scripture over myself a TON back when I wasn’t as clear about what God wanted me to do in my business as I am now. I highly recommend you doing the same if you’re needing clarity too because…
I’ve always referenced this scripture as a promise for my path getting clearer and clearer to me, but recently God directed me to it again in this translation to show me more. Not only will my path shine brighter and brighter…
It’s a little awkward for me to explain to people sometimes that I’ve been a freelance graphic designer for almost ten years now but I didn’t even design my own…
You wanna know what I heard the Lord say to me after my book launch ended, in the midst of my exhaustion from weeks of being “on” on social media 24/7 and the general fatigue that comes from literally birthing a vision?!…