God will hold my hand as I leap.
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
- Matthew 14:29-31 (New International Version)
Guess what I did today?
Today I turned in my notice to my 9-5. I’m officially leaving.
No emoji confetti or dancing salsa ladies. Just me putting on my big girl panties and trusting God with the 🗣 SCARIEST DECISION OF MY LIFE.
I wasn’t going to tell you at first because I know you might very well be in a similar position as I am -- caught in that space between keeping your job and pursuing your business full time, and I didn’t want to influence you to make a decision that wasn’t necessarily right for you right now -- but I feel led to share with you how I got here and am praying that God uses this to minister to you the wisdom you need for your specific situation, which may be totally different than mine.
So how did I get here? Long story short, God has given me confirmation after confirmation that it’s time. And I’m not talking about those “confirmations” that we wanna see just because we want something so bad -- you know what I’m talking about; you want a BMW X6 so now all you see is BMW X6’s all up in your lane everywhere you drive.
No, I’m talking seemingly random but divinely ordained conversations, friends having prophetic dreams about me, sermon after sermon and multiple signs that literally made me laugh out loud at how obvious they were. Now typically I don’t make decisions off of anything but God’s Word and His spirit in me, but I truly know God used these things to make it crystal clear that it was time for me to leave sooner than I had originally planned.
What I’ve learned in the midst of all of this is that there’s a fine line between walking in wisdom and walking in faith, but at the end of the day you just have to do what God is telling you to do.
So whether your faith walk has you leaving your job like me (or staying, cuz that takes faith too!) or taking a leap in your business, I want you to continue to trust God to guide you. If you’re not clear on something, ask! He WILL confirm it. He wants you walking in His will as much as you desire to be so He has no problem giving you all the direction you need to do so. You and God are on the same team. Always. Remember that.
Still hungry? Eat some more //
Isaiah 48:17, Proverbs 3:5-6, James 1:5