I delegate like a boss.
“So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.”
- Acts 6:2-4 (New International Version)
It’s a little awkward for me to explain to people sometimes that I’ve been a freelance graphic designer for almost ten years now but I didn’t even design my own book cover 🙈
Of course I started off designing it. I went in thinking “clearly I’m a BOSS at graphic design so I have no need of investing in a designer, plus I needs to save me some coin anyway so I got this!” Halfway through the design process I stepped back to look at what I’d created so far and it just. wasn’t. right. I felt God nudging me to go ahead and seek help outside of myself and I finally threw in the towel on my crusty little design and found a designer.
It was NOT easy. Up to that point, my identity as an entrepreneur had been “Marlena the bomb graphic designer”. Now I was treading new waters on a project where my primary role wasn’t to design; it was to write, and to minister and to make sure that everything concerning this book project was on point. Even if that meant finding a better designer than me to do the cover. This experience taught me one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned to date:
There comes a time when you have to delegate your lower talents in order to focus on fulfilling your higher calling.
In my case, I had to let go of being a designer to be a higher version of myself. And this is something I’m still letting go to this day. It’s hard leaving a piece of your identity behind! But truly, by being obedient to God and writing my book, He’s now shown me so much down the path this book is taking me that I can’t turn back now. This is the direction I’m supposed to pursue and it would be ridiculous to try to hold on to designing when God has so much more for me to experience and create.
Is there something you’re holding on to right now that you need to consider letting go? Some talent that you’ve been great at for so long and that has so much of your identity wrapped up in it but you know deep down it’s time to move on? Or maybe there are just things in your business that it’s time to delegate so you can focus on the work you’re best at.
Whatever it is, if God is giving you that nudge, go with it! And get excited about it too! I know it’s hard to let go of a piece of who you are but letting go opens up your capacity to receive new facets of your identity that God is trying to reveal to you. You’re so much more than that one talent! Just like our heavenly Father, you are a multi-facetted being with gifts & talents galore inside of you. Go ahead and free yourself to explore more of who you are. Your highest calling, giftings & potential are waiting for you and so are the people you’re uniquely created to serve.
Still hungry? Eat some more //
Exodus 18, Genesis 19:16-26