You can't kill my vibe.
“No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.”
- Genesis 17:5-6 (New King James Version)
I just got back from an amazing mastermind weekend in Atlanta where I truly felt like I was living my ENTIRE best life the whole time. Got a mani & pedi 💁🏾, vibed with other creative women, ate good, made new friendships, had girl talk and just werked on my business the whole weekend. It was absolutely a slice of heaven on earth for me because it felt like, for a few days at least, I was actually living the life I was born to live. When I got back to town, even my boyfriend was like, babe you are glowing! Even typing about it right now I’m smiling just thinking about what a transformative weekend this was for me.
But then came Monday 😌 back to the 9-5 grindstone.
To say I was feeling a little deflated driving in to work that morning would be an understatement. When you get a taste of your future it is HARDT to come back down to earth and live in the reality. But you know what?
My current reality is not my truth.
My truth is that I am a successful, influential, God-made woman who lives in the fullness of the abundant life Jesus came to give me. I am impacting millions with my giftings and my voice is heard on worldwide platforms. Money is not an issue for me. I work when I want to and get paid well for it. My life is carefree and I vacation often. My husband, children and I live in a luxurious home designed specifically for us. The decor is immaculate, the art is dope and God’s sunlight pours into every room. I work out daily, eat healthy meals prepared by my personal chef and am in the best physical, mental & spiritual health of my life. I have the time and financial freedom to wake up everyday and do whatever God lays on my heart to do. I give freely and often without resentment or concern. I am mentored by powerful and godly human beings who are invested in my success. I am sharing my knowledge with future generations and setting them up to walk in the favor that belongs to them. My family is blessed. I am rich in love, laughter, wealth and wisdom.
Baybeee when I tell you that’s who I really am!!!!? 🏃🏾♀️👏🏾💃🏽 And after this weekend, I am even more on fire to create this life that I see. I’m going to be real with you though, it hasn’t been easy to keep that fire lit since I’ve been back home.
I think I now know how Abram must have felt when God changed his name to Abraham. Sure he had to be excited to hear from God after so many years of waiting for his promised child and to be told that instead of being just an “exalted father” (Abram) he was actually going to be a “father of many nations” (Abraham). We know he believed it because from that point on he sho started calling himself Abraham! But, at the end of the day when the feeling of hearing from God faded, he still had to wake up each day and live through the harsh fact that he still didn’t have a son. I’m so inspired by his faith though because he didn’t stop believing or calling himself something that, in the natural, wasn’t true yet.
What have you been saying about yourself when reality smacks you in the face? Have you been talking about your reality or declaring your truth? Have you been speaking your truth into existence or not saying anything at all, just silently allowing it to be what it is?
Whatever the case, I want you to commit today to being like our father Abraham and speaking what you desire to see -- not what you actually see. That’s how you bring your future into your present. That's how you create the life you want. It worked for Abraham and, by faith, it works for us too.
Still hungry? Eat some more //
Romans 4:16-21, Proverbs 13:2, Proverbs 12:14