God will help me find my customers.

“The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, ‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.”

- Luke 8:38-39 (New International Version)

Found myself watching an interview of evangelist Marilyn Hickey the other day where she was sharing on how she found success in the early days of her ministry. When explaining how she was able to win more souls for her new church than they had won the previous few years and how she rapidly grew her married couple Bible study, I love what she said: “I just went after them. They’re not gonna just sit and come to you. You have to go after them.” She would go door-to-door & make calls. She was out there hustlin’ for Jesus!

It came full circle for me when a friend of mine mentioned that her coach had encouraged her to personally reach out to people every day to share her service in order to secure more clients. In our time when there’s so much emphasis placed on mass communication, especially when it comes to selling online, it was refreshing to be reminded of how beneficial one-on-one interaction still is.

It made me think of the story of the man in the Bible who was possessed by a legion of demons. Before Jesus met this man, He had instructed His disciples to jump in a boat with Him and sail to the very territory where the demon-possessed man lived. I believe this was intentional. He knew about this man and what He had been going through and deliberately traveled there to save Him. Knowing that He had the cure for what terrorized that man, He went after him. I hope you’re seeing the same connection I’m seeing here:

Your business has the cure to someone’s problem and it is YOUR responsibility to get it to them.

Like Marilyn said, they’re not just gonna come to you. You have to go to them! Just like Jesus went after the woman at the well (John 4:1-42), Zaccheus (Luke 19:1-10) and even in recruiting His disciples (Matthew 4:18-22), you can intentionally seek out the people you’re supposed to help too.

If you’ve been struggling with not wanting to be “salesy” or with how to approach people in your own authentic way, look at your mentor Jesus and learn from Him. It was like He just had a sense for recognizing the people who needed the value He had to give (and He was never shy about slangin’ it to them!) But guess who gave Him that sense? That's right, the same God we serve today. So don’t feel like sales has to continue to be an obstacle in your business. Ask God to show you where your specific customers are and give you a strategy for reaching them. He’ll do it!

Still hungry? Eat more //
Luke 8:22-39→ Jesus went through a storm to get to this dude. In fact I believe that storm was brought up by the evil forces in that area who knew what was about to happen if Jesus got to the demon-possessed man. Just sitting this here so you can marinate on the love, compassion & intention of our Savior right quick 🥰 Also read Mark 1

Mark 5:1-5→ Jesus knew what this man was going through. That was His fuel for pursuing him. Find fuel for selling by looking at people's lives without your product. Let compassion fuel your sales efforts and you won't have to worry about selling with integrity.

Luke 8:39 & John 4:28-30, 39→ If you're successful with one person, they'll do the selling for you. That's the type of divine strategy our Savior was workin' with!

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