God is trying to talk to you but are you listening?
"There were so many people coming and going that they couldn’t even take time to eat, so he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a place where we can be alone, and you can get some rest.”
- Mark 6:31 (Complete Jewish Bible)
One day a few months ago I had been subconsciously avoiding doing the work I had planned to do that day (creating a sales page to launch a new offer I was excited about). When I sat down for a 5-minute check-in with God about it, He reminded me that, although I really enjoy the delivery of this type of offer, I ultimately in my heart of hearts didn't want to do it because it didn't align with the flow & freedom I truly desire to sustain in my schedule. I decided to go another direction but it really stayed with me when I realized how close I was to pulling the trigger on it. I learned that day that:
5 minutes of silence with God could save you 5 months of going in the wrong direction.
Jesus' daily promptings for us to "come away with Him" may not be as obvious as it was to His disciples in this week's passage. After all, He's not here in bodily form where He can speak with us like He was with them right? But I believe that, with Him being the same yesterday, today & forever (Hebrews 13:8), Jesus is still giving us this same call through the Holy Spirit living in us. And while the promptings may not always be an actual audible voice, they still show up as:
- that feeling when something's in the back of your mind but you can't quite put your finger on it.
- or when something feels "off" or you're feeling uneasy in your spirit.
- or when you're starting to feel anxiety or overwhelm creep up.
All of these are ways God uses to get our attention to something He's trying to tell us and we canNOT afford to ignore them! The next time you experience this, I encourage you to take a quick 5-minute break as soon as you can make time. During that 5 minutes, just sit and be quiet; tell God you're listening and ask if He's trying to tell you something. Maybe even bring a pen & paper with you just to demonstrate a posture of listening & expecting. This habit has helped me so much in my life and business!
Oftentimes the direction and clarity you've been praying for is in the still small voice in the back of your mind that you're ignoring.
Then you look up 5 months later like "how did I get here God?!" Chile, cuz you've been consistently ignoring all my signs, hush. Build a habit of checking in with God when you sense those checks in your spirit. They're not just for nothing; you have a supernatural Dad out here trying to communicate with His "natural" child. So pay attention!
Still hungry? Eat some more //
- If you're wanting to bring more ease & alignment into your life and business, this book is a MUST read. Truly a game-changer around routines & spiritual disciplines plus so much more.
- Mark 6:45-46 → Jesus didn't always just pray in the mornings; He prayed randomly in the middle of the day too. But the one thing He made sure to do was to go be by Himself with God somewhere. I believe these 5-minute breaks are an equivalent.
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