You ain't got time to keep overthinking it.

"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say, 'Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.'”

- Proverbs 3:27-28 (New Living Translation)

I launched the Big Idea Food community this past weekend and I have all the feels because a tribe like this has truly been a dream in my heart for over 8 years. What's crazy though is, I wasn't going to launch it until two months from now because I was messing around trying to make it perfect before putting it out there Now as I look around at the dope group of Christian entrepreneurs who have joined already, I'm shaking my head at how silly it was for me to try to push it out that far. We all been needing this!

Perfection will have you out here holding on to stuff that people need right now. 

That's why this week's scripture gathers me all the way together. It literally captures exactly what we're doing when we're letting perfectionism delay the help we're supposed to be giving people through our businesses. We have water inside us that people are walking around thirsty for RIGHT. NOW. and we're not giving it to them because we don't feel ready enough yet?! They don't care about your readiness, they just want that water! 

Sure the cup you're serving it in might be a little rough around the edges. Maybe you're not an expert in the way you pour it just yet. Your distribution system might have some kinks in it and, overall, you might still feel like you're not clear on where this whole thing is headed, but regardless of all that, you still have water and the people you're here to serve are still thirsty. 

If you've been overthinking things lately, this is your call to stop. And one of the best methods I recommend for getting out of your head and into action is spending time getting to know the people you're supposed to be helping. Find out first hand what's been going on in their lives. Get intimate with their pressing concerns & pain points. I guarantee that hearing how long they've been struggling without your product will force you to ask yourself how long you're willing to keep letting them go without it.

Still hungry? Eat more //

  • Resources to help you get out of your head and into action (Listen to the trainings for instructions before diving in to the worksheets. These will only be available until Monday April 6th)

  • Study Jesus in the book of Mark. He was always spending time with the people He was called to serve, that's why we always see Him making moves instead of excuses. 

  • Galatians 1:10 → I know many of us struggle with perfectionism because we don't feel worthy enough, but just in case people pleasing is your vice, read this in the context of what we discussed today and ask yourself the same question Paul asks in this scripture

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