Trusting God requires trusting yourself too.
"Jesus gave them this answer: 'Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.'"
- John 5:19-20 (New International Version)
Sooo God dropped this into my spirit this morning and I'm just gonna leave it here with you:
Think about it. The only things I have to work with to get direction to you are your own thoughts, senses, body feelings & intuition. These are things I gave you for Me to communicate with you. Sure there's My written word and plenty of outside signs & confirmations I can send, but you ultimately still have to pass them through your own inner system of knowing to make a decision to obey them.
So the more you trust yourself, the more you can trust Me.
Jesus' words in this week's scripture demonstrated that, in addition to trusting the Father, He trusted Himself. He HAD to! He believed enough in His ability to "see what His Father was doing" to actually do the audacious, miraculous things He saw the Father showing Him. Imagine if you trusted yourself like Jesus did? If instead of second-guessing every decision, you just knew confidently what to do. If Jesus did, so can we!
And I believe it's possible with practice.
I don’t think I’ve ever verbalized this but, typically, my most impactful content comes from an inner vision. I can see it. Like it’s already written and I just gotta pour out what I see. Do you experience that too sometimes? Maybe you’re not a writer but you’re a creator of something. Maybe God has shown you a thing in your mind’s eye that you can’t shake. Whatever it is, no matter how big or small, don’t discount it. Trust it. I believe that’s God showing you “what He does” and then it's your job to express it however He showed it to you. The more you make a habit of doing this, the more you'll build your trust. Easy peasy.
Still hungry? Eat some more //
- John 5:30-36, John 8:14-18 → More gangster examples of how much Jesus trusted Himself and the criteria He used to confirm that He was trustworthy. All of John 8 is great to read for Jesus' mentorship in this area.
- 1 Corinthians 11:1 → Paul trusted himself too. You don’t tell people to follow you unless you trust yourself to lead them. And when you start, little by little, doing the things God is showing you in your mind’s eye, you will start to trust yourself on that level too.
- Romans 8:19 → The more we imitate God like this (Ephesians 5:1), the more we'll manifest as the sons we are, just like Jesus did.
- I'm starting to believe that the very presence of a vision inside the committed believer’s mind is often proof that it’s God’s will for it to be manifested in the earth. Listen to this inspiring talk from Steve Harvey about this.
- If you haven't tapped in to this series yet & you need to build your trust, get into it.
- Knowing God's word (for yourself!) is the foundation you need to build strong trust. It's hard to trust your inner compass when it don't know the word! And if you aren't strong in God's word and want to be, it's possible. You could start with this Bible in 90 days plan on the Bible app (which is about 12 pages a day) Find accountability for this plan inside of our community.