Jesus is my Mentor.

“...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen”

- Matthew 28:20 (King James Version)


I’ve been a Christian since I was 5 years old but the first time I really felt like I heard from Jesus Himself (not the Father or Holy Spirit as usual) was the morning after I returned home from my first speaking engagement in New York this past summer. (I talked about this trip a few weeks ago, here it is if you missed it).  

I really hadn’t had time to process all the confirmations had, obstacles overcome, connections made and purpose experienced until that morning. I sat down in my little prayer area in my living room and prepared to just talk to my Daddy and cry it all out (you know how you just can’t do anything but cry!?). Ya’ll, it was like 5 seconds into my GOOD cry and God was like ok that’s enough. 

Then I heard a word rising up in my heart and not too long into it I realized it was speaking from Jesus’ perspective, not the Father’s like usual. It was so powerful and comforting that I had to share it with you because I know, just like me, you’re going after your purpose and building something God-breathed and God-ordained. 

In a nutshell He said:

“I know how it feels to have walked this close to your purpose but still feel so far away from it. How did I deal with it? I had to trust the Father just like you do. To know and realize that you will impact many lives is simultaneously exhilarating, overwhelming, not be afraid, lean into it! When my mission became known to me I dove into it head first. You will too. You will not shrink back with timidity or inferiority. No, I died and rose from the dead so none of that has power over you. You and I are in this together. You will follow me as I lead you and I will lead you into great things. I will also cover & protect you from the harm that seeks your life. Nothing shall by any means hurt you. You are a lion. You’ve got the blood of a lion in you. Fear not, and let’s conquer together!”

I pray this word encourages you as much as it encouraged me. It really gave me the sense that Jesus is not only our Savior, but in so many ways, He’s our mentor too.

Think about it. He literally has experience building something so massive that it still impacts lives to this day, so the steps you’re endeavoring to take as you build your business, He’s already taken. And because He’s been there, He’s fully equipped and able to help you succeed, just like He did. If you've been wishing you had a mentor, know that you already do and His name is Jesus. 


Still hungry? Eat some more //
John 14:12

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