God’s Word is the "income" you need

"Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."

- 1 John 5:14-15 (New King James Version)


Trying to understand what my baby niece is talking about sometimes can be almost impossible (and super cute of course 🥰). She'll be running her mouth saying all the things and I can tell SHE knows what she's talking about, but I can't understand a thing. Obviously it's because, at her current stage of development, she's still learning our language & how to form words into fully coherent sentences.

One day, during one of our "conversations", I realized that this must be what we sound like to God sometimes when we pray. It's not that He isn't listening or doesn't want to answer your prayer, it's just that He may not actually be able to understand you 😂 You're out here babbling and pointing in the direction of something you want, but until you speak coherently in His language, He doesn't truly know what you're asking for (and a lot of times, neither do you if you're honest, but that's a whole 'nother message)

That's why I love this week's scripture so much. It tells us that if we pray according to God's will, He hears us (one of the definitions of the Greek word for "hear" in this passage is "to comprehend or understand"). Well, since we know that whatever God speaks is what He wants to come to pass (Isaiah 55:10-11), we know that His words ARE His will. So when we pray His word back to Him, we can be assured that He actually hears (or understands) us AND that we have received the thing we've asked for.

I'm a witness that praying God's word back to Him in faith works. Not only does it "purchase" the thing you're requesting, but the very act of praying God's word settles your anxieties on another level (Philippians 4:16). ESPECIALLY when you pray it out loud! So if you need anything right now for your life or business, I challenge you to find a word in the Bible that touches on that thing and ask based on that word. This is how you "ask in Jesus' name" AND generate whatever "income" you need!


Still hungry? Eat some more //

  • John 14:26 → Don't know God's word that well? That's ok! You have access to a whole Holy Spirit who is like Googlenot only for all of God's words—but also for God's specific words He's given to YOU. So ask Him to show you the word you need to "pay for" the thing you want and He will! He's done it for me! 
  • Romans 8:32 → in case you needed more proof or faith that you can have whatever you ask God for, read this.
  • 1 Corinthians 13:11 → obviously God has grace for wherever we're at in our development, but there does come a time when we need to walk fully in our maturity. Praying God's Word back to Him is one of the ways we can do that. 
  • TIP: Write down everything you're asking for along with the scripture for each thing. Then "pray", based on what you've written down. I encourage you to write out your prayer & ask out loud too. Add a date & come back to mark it "answered" when you get your answer! 

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